Master of the Universe - перевод на голландский
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Master of the Universe - перевод на голландский

expansion of the universe         
  • metric]] seen on the left. This visualization can be confusing because it appears as if the universe is expanding into a pre-existing empty space over time. Instead, the expansion created, and continues to create, all of known space and time.
  • critical density]] (<math>\Omega_m</math>).
  • Animation of an expanding raisin bread model. As the bread doubles in width (depth and length), the distances between raisins also double.
  • When an object is receding, its light gets stretched ([[redshift]]ed). When the object is approaching, its light gets compressed ([[blueshift]]ed).
  • The diagram depicts the expansion of the universe and the relative observer phenomenon. The blue galaxies have expanded further apart than the white galaxies. When choosing an arbitrary reference point such as the gold galaxy or the red galaxy, the increased distance to other galaxies the further away they are appear the same. This phenomenon of expansion indicates two factors: there is no centralized point in the universe, and that the Milky Way Galaxy is not the center of the universe. The appearance of centrality is due to an observer bias that is equivalent no matter what location an observer sits.
Expansion of space; Expanding universe; Expanding Universe; Universe expansion; Expansion of the Universe; Cosmic expansion; Metric expansion; Space expansion; Expansion of space in the Big Bang theory; Metric expansion of the universe; Universe's expansion; The Big Bang and The Great Expansion; Metric impansion of space; Quantum radiation; Cosmological expansion; Expansion of universe; Metric expansion of space
de uiteenzetting van het heelal (een theorie die aanneemt dat de galaxies zich verwijderen van de aarde en van elkaar in regelmatig tempo)
master plan         
Strategic master plan; Master plan (disambiguation); Masterplan; The Master Planner; The Master Plan; Master plan; Masterplan (album); The Masterplan; The Master Plan (album); The Master Plan (film); Master Plan (song); Master Plan (disambiguation)
algemeen plan (planning)
Miss Universe         
  • Miss Universe sash from 2001 until 2021
Puerto Rican Miss Universes; Miss Universe Organization; Miss Universe Pageant; Ms Universe; Miss Universe Organisation; Miss Universum; MUO; Miss Universe (beauty pageant); Miss Universe pageant; Miss Universe crown
Miss Univers,het mooiste meisje ter wereld (schoonheidscompetitie)


the universe
all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos.


Master of the Universe
Master of the Universe may refer to:
Примеры произношения для Master of the Universe
1. you're a master of the universe, think
The Great Minds of Investing _ William Green _ Talks at Google
2. like we are the master of the universe instead
NBC's Indebted _ Fran Drescher _ Talks at Google
3. And he said I am the master of the universe.
How to Cage the Monkey Mind _ Tim Ferriss _ Talks at Google
4. is to think that you're a master of the universe.
The Great Minds of Investing _ William Green _ Talks at Google
5. I wanted to be a master of the universe.
The Education of a Value Investor _ Guy Spier _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Master of the Universe
1. In the same work, another character, Řâîíäĺđ, is a low–class bounder who becomes the apartment management head and acts like he is master of the universe.
2. He still acts as if he were master of the universe, even if the rest of Washington no longer sees him that way.
3. Well, Bruckner and the blocks nearby now boast two tidy bars that a Master of the Universe would feel more than comfortable patronizing, including one, the Bruckner Bar and Grill, that offers pear and arugula salad.
4. The angels in heaven began to prosecute [Ishmael], saying, ‘Master of the Universe, how can you miraculously provide a well with water for someone whose children will eventually slay your children [the Israelites] with thirst?
5. Yes, it‘s the very South Bronx that had a reputation for grinding poverty, rampant arson, runaway crime and as the starting point of Tom Wolfe‘s race–relations nightmare, "The Bonfire of the Vanities," which chronicles what happens to a Master of the Universe driving with his mistress in his Mercedes–Benz on a creepy Bruckner Boulevard.